– Recruitment/Retention
– Marketing and Advertising
– Inflation and Price Increases
– Lack of Capital/Cash Flow

For the subject of this blog, let’s dive into Marketing and Advertising.

Everyone knows you need to reach potential customers, and they need to know about you and find you to be successful.

This is where marketing and advertising play an active role in helping you acquire more customers. An investment needs to be put towards marketing and advertising, especially online!

Marketing and advertising are needed to get your brand name out there and find your ideal customers. For larger companies, an entire team may work toward this goal. Smaller businesses, need to be creative with their resources. As a small business, you need to be strategic with your investment to reach your target audience.

With a high percentage of people working from home, digital marketing and advertising are a must! As a result, more people are browsing the internet while working. At the click of a button, their making a purchase, ordering food, booking their next vacation etc.

The Wall Street Journal wrote an article on spending habits while working from home: “We’re Spending Billions on This Work-From-Home Indulgence. Without the boss nearby, who can resist placing that Amazon order?”

Creating and maintaining a helpful, user-friendly website is a great way to stay ahead of your competition. You’ll want to add in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on your site, with articles, blogs and new content so your target market can find you quickly and easily while doing a Google search. Developing your brand online helps you tailor your marketing efforts and maximize your digital strategy.

You can reach your target audience on social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram etc.) with paid advertising and frequent posts with information about your products/services, specials, promotions etc. Also paid Google Ads will help to move the needle as well.

We offer the above advertising options along with video ads on streaming platforms, data-driven marketing based on behavioral insights, purchases, search activity, etc. Plus, we help build your brand with a new or updated website, logo, corporate image upgrade, tag line, positioning, etc.

At Blast Marketing Agency we fully understand small businesses and how important it is for people to easily find you online! We offer a variety of online products and solutions to “Blast” your message all over the internet . Lots of small businesses don’t have time to devote to marketing so we do the work for you!

For a free consultation and more information on our online marketing services please go to: My Calendar to book a call. Thank you!

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